Whether you like him or hate him, you have to laud Mr Modi
for his courage to take bold decision that can disrupt the society/nation.
There have been many business leaders in recent times who have adopted
disruption as model to change the industry dynamics but very political leader
have adopted such model for governance.
It is double edged sword and not many are willing to risk so much when the
stakes are so high. Before you carry any
impression of this post being the diatribe by one of his staunch followers, I
would highlight that I only acknowledged his courage to take such bold
decisions. Whether the decision is good or bad that time will only tell us but
it will definitely have far reaching impact on our society. I have attempted to put across my objective assessment
of the event and its possible consequences without taking ‘for or against’
East Asian crisis is said to have imprinted financial crisis
fear in minds of the people living in those countries at that time and hence
for years later they have preferred to save rather than spend unlike their
western counterparts. This fear led these countries to maintain much higher reserves
as safety net for any future crisis. Similarly in India, high inflation
observed in last decade has led to erosion of wealth for savers in India and
this has given rise to new generation of spenders. I believe demonetization has
potential to have such behavioral change on our society and therefore have
tried to focus such long term effect rather than taking myopic view that focuses
only on immediate consequences.
Greed and fear are two emotions which determine large part
of people’s behavior when it relates to money management. Current demonetization of high value currency
notes will immediately alter the current equilibrium of these emotions in
people. People at large seem to have overcome the fear of corruption/black
money and it is the greed that seems to be driving their behavior towards
current form of society. Years of inaction against corrupts/black money
hoarders has reinforced the moral hazard.
Like all moral hazard problem, everyone knows it exists but don’t know
how to avoid the same. Mr Modi seems to believe that his decision will end this
moral hazard issue in the society. He is trying to make it difficult for
corrupt people/black money hoarders to avoid erosion in their wealth by his
policy decision. Hypothesis here could be that the pain such people will go
through while losing their wealth which they have always believed to be theirs
would be immense and would prevent them from hoarding black money in future.
The consequences they will face will serve as deterrent for others in the society
to commit on this path of corruption & black money. Also people who have
paid their taxes on time will get pleasure of seeing the pain of others who
don’t fall in their group and would reinforce their FEAR in future. (In fact it
is this pleasure which led to initial positive assessment of his decision). If
this succeeds then we may see an end of parallel black economy that has existed
for years. It would make it difficult to fund terrorism, bribe officials etc
since source & use of funds can be known easily. Already news have been flashing
of the difficulties naxals are facing to exchange their loot and they may also
see erosion in their wealth. Here FEAR is expected to bring about positive
change in people.
Let’s try to take contrarian view about the same event. The high
valued notes earned by the people have suddenly become worthless instills FEAR
about monetary currency. The current monetary system exists mainly because of
the people faith that it will be honored without much hassle.( Of course in
current form, one can deposit or exchange currency notes up to certain limit
but it is certainly not hassle free.) If people start having doubts about high value currency
notes then in future they will not like to accept it or keep it as saving
instrument. Would they then prefer gold over them in future since in our
society gold’s acceptance has never been questioned yet? Further its global
acceptance provides additional comfort for liquidation and removes one’s
dependency on nation central bank. This can lead to situation wherein savings
would not get channelized into useful development but into gold hoarding. Of
course government and central bank may have other means to change this behavior
but it would take years to acknowledge and act on the same. Lot of black money hoarders were believed to
have rushed to buy gold, USD post demonetization announcement. Of course they
intended to convert black money into gold for future use. But will this immediate
gold buying end once these two months are over? Answer could be NO!!!
Government would like to believe it will create enough incentive to move people
to digital currency. Phew, new disruption model for country where literacy
rates are so low; where gullible people have been duped so many times in past that
they don’t even trust the banks.
Black money incentives risk taking, discretionary spending
among the people. Demonetization will lead to overall decrease in wealth in the
society as such and would either strengthen central government or central bank
balance sheet. Even if government increases its expenditure, it will take time
for this wealth to be accumulated by the society large. Now what do we expect
from such society which witnesses mass wealth (legal/illegal) destruction due
to act of government? FEAR ? People would spend less, less corporate gains,
lower number of new jobs etc. Coupled this with highest population in age of
20-30 years, global slowdown & protectionism and rising terrorism imagine
the potential social unrest it can create in huge nation like ours. In both above cases, FEAR seems to have
negative consequences for the society.
The actual consequence of this event may lie in between both
the extremes described above. It is very
difficult to gauge people’s behavior and predict the future especially when
population is more than billion. But it is certainly one of the exciting times
to be in India to experience the same.
Government and its policies will definitely have key role in influencing
people behavior. But I firmly believe it is us and our behavior that will shape
up the future of this society and government response will be guided by them. So
let’s keep our emotions in check; objectively assess situation with open mind
post immediate fallout before forming any firm opinion about the event.
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